Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Headed for a NY and Much to be Thankful For

Sunset is a wonderful time to reflect on the day, now it is time to reflect on our year of 2010. We can choose to think of the good things that happened to us, or to all the negativity that was flung our way, through no fault of our own. I ask for a blessing on the earth, the sick and suffering and those who are less fortunate than some of us.
We have been blessed with a wonderful year of travel, family and friends, this has been quite wonderful. We lost our beloved pets but they taught us so much. Several of our dear friends passed on too early. We do not know why but we can give comfort to those who need it.
Healing ourselves with good thoughts is the most important decision we can make. My friend Who has MM and is kind enough to follow my little blog, I salute you. The things you do each day would overwhelm me. You create beauty and love wherever you go and put yourself ahead of others. God Bless you and your family and may you be healed. I love you knitting and sewing items they are marvelous. I have had several negative experiences but by being patient and paying back in kindness, a wonderful result came about instead of negativity and hurt feelings. We spent most of our Christmas money on those in need and that is far more rewarding than getting presents for ourselves. Each day we meet people and we have no idea how we affect them.
I pray for a blessed 2011 as I suspect we are in for a bit of a wild ride. Only prayer and faith can help us with things we have no control over.
For those still suffering from cancer I have had some wonderful feedback on patients trying natural things, every step forward is a blessing.
I have posted new items on my website and have given some recipes for natural juicing, hope this helps for some. May you all have a special NY and be blessed in 2011!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas and New Year a Time for Peace- Eclipse

Greetings of the season and may peace and good health be with you all. Procrastination is my undoing. Have been away so much by the time I get back into my own time zone, I am zoned. Thanks to my loyal friends who visit this blog. The world around us is in such disarray. We can use a higher power to meditate, ask for forgiveness and to forgive those around us, whom seem to be bent on negative actions and deeds. It is hard to pray for your enemies but that is something one can practice with patience.
This is a wonderful season if one does not get caught up in the flurry and worry of it all. Our family was too poor to have celebrations but we had a great Christmas pudding with real money in it. (One had to be careful not to swallow too soon) When the money was changed from silver our parents kept a small supply of coins to put in the pudding and replaced it with the fake money we have today. We then spent the day at the beach. If we were fortunate to get a present it was much cherished. We sang and laughed and in that time life was more simple.
Healing our minds and hearts is something that keeps us going.
I was sent an article, on the loss of the honeybees, this is not the first I have heard of this occurrence. They put a very powerful pesticide on the corn and a few other crops and it wiped out millions of honey bees. Is it still allowed today..Yes..Do the people who control these things know, Yes..That is what meditation and prayer is for, to protect the planet, and forgive those who do the wrong thing.
I had my cancer check up and praise be I am still cancer free. I just had a wonderful email from a young man with a brain tumor. He started on polymva and after 6 weeks his tumor is shrinking. You can read about that on my website, although I have not finished my articles. and under "my story"
I am also doing further research on curcimin and its and its anti cancer effects. There is a well known professor at MD Anderson who has had marvelous results by adding curcumin to their regime.
Sometimes a break from the chemotherapy can be beneficial. It lets the body heal from the introduced toxins, but of course I cannot recommend this without your doctors approval.
Did you see the eclipse on the night of 20 th and am 21st, it started before midnight and ended about 1.5 hours late it was awesome. I have photographed this before but did you realize this is the first time the eclipse happened on the equinox in 300+ years, is that not amazing. I should find my previous pictures to post but they are stacked away somewhere.
May peace be in your hearts and those you love by your side. And may Santa's sleigh land on your roof! Blessing.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Essential Oils That Heal and Make you feel Good.

Many ancient cultures used essential oils or aromatic oils, as they knew them. To heal, cleanse, cook with, and improve their lives. The Egyptians used these aromatic oils in many of their temple rituals. They considered them sacred and placed them in alabaster pots.When king Tut's tomb was opened a huge amount of aromatic oils were found, they were still in excellent condition.
in 1817 a papyrus was discovered and it contained hundreds of cures, prescriptions and remedies. Frankincense and Myrrh were mentioned several times in the bible, it was used for embalming because it helped prevent bacterial growth. The Qu'ran also mentions these oils and ways to heal. In the late 19th century these oils became more popular as they did not have antibiotics or things we have today. This probably was a good thing as many infections, wounds and sores during world war one.
In 1920 Rene'maurice Gattefosee' was working in his lab and severely burnt his arm, he plunged it into a vat of what he thought was water, instead it was pure lavender extract, to his amazement the pain let up very quickly and he put this on for several days, and the burn did not leave a scar.
These pioneers and others have used these oils for antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic purposes. Today we are just beginning to understand their uses. A lost art has been rediscovered.
In Europe these natural substances can be purchased from the shelf of any pharmacy. When travelling I have used many of these items. Lemon oils for cold or chest congestion and taken a drop or two in a capsule or put in water.
Frankincense is a wonderful oil and it originated in Somalia, and in the middle east is considered the holy anointing oil. I have used it for nerve pain, stress, and it elevates the mind and the immune system benefits. I had a ?sinus tumor with cranial nerve involvement, last year, I did have pain pills for the excruciating pain, but only took them for 5 days. I then rubbed frankincense oil on my forehead and face to help calm it down. I still use it. I am over the cancer but sometimes I have residual nerve pain, and instead of taking an advil, I put the oil on my face.
Lavender helps one sleep but also relieves pain along with peppermint. I travel with these oils as it has saved me many times. I use the young living oils as they are some of the most pure, grown without chemical additives.
I am severely allergic to perfumes and odors and most perfumes are made up of chemicals. Want to smell wonderful and not be overwhelmed with negative chemical odor, Use Oils. The The young living oil, Purification, when applied to skin or clothing or used in a diffuser, can dispel chemical odors and or perfume wearing friends who tip a whole bottle of these things on themselves. I am happy to say my friends now honor my request to stay chemical perfume free. The soaps used to wash the clothes are full of nasty chemicals and people believe they will smell wonderful using these items. I have to wash my clothes in a neutral soap and sometimes it takes a month to get this odor out. (I have dear friends who washed my clothes as a favor and used scented soap) I get headaches and nausea around these odors. A lovely young lady helps me clean my home, and she has constant migraines, as she uses harsh chemicals to clean the many houses she does each week. Our household only has natural products. Think of all the poison going back into the earth....
This Christmas time, give the gift of oils and be surprised at the result. Have a great week and I will continue to chat about the oils. My website is being updated and I have a lot of information on it so if you want to check it has a page about oils and I will add to that each month. Be well.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bone Supplements , PH Balance and Thanksgiving

If you look carefully there are several blue orbs in this picture one on the rock face and one on the mountain top. This is the sacred Indian land in Arizona. We need to treat our bodies as such, Sacred.
There is a lot of information but how do we assimilate what is good for us. One of the major problems of various types of cancer is loss of bone, or brittle bone.
This is not confined to cancer but to many women who are lacking hormones and have brittle bones. The drug companies have many fancy drugs out to "help" restore bone density. Unfortunately they have serious side effects. On Boniva Alone I counted 20 side effects. The company says they are minimal. Hmm... Includes Infections, headaches, increase in cholesterol, several types of pain. With Zometa I counted 12 and one serious one, death. It also necrosis the jaw bone and that cannot come back. I know the "Death" part is extreme but several people have died while taking Zometa. So can we have a natural alternative. Yes eat foods high in calcium. White Beans, Tofu, and obviously dairy, (however dairy is suggested to be limited with cancer patients), Oatmeal, Nuts, Vegetables etc. Do as much as you can by choosing the right foods. For those of us who need extra there are many forms of Calcium with Magnesium and Vit D. I came across a new Ultimate Bone Support that sounds very promising, It is called Stronium. It works by attracting minerals that are necessary like Calcium, Magnesium, Boron, and Zinc, which lets the bone directly absorb these nutrients. McGTill University in Montreal, did a study on this and in 6 months they showed a remarkable 172% increase in the rate of Bone Formation. Here is a complete article on same:
This is excellent for those of us whose bones are so fragile that it is a natural way to bring them back.
PH: When the ph of the body becomes acid it allows the body to let all those nasty germs we carry around, to multiply. The normal body ph should be 7.4 - 7.6. Keeping it this way is what keeps us healthy. Foods that are good to keep the ph alkaline are Green and Yellow vegies and whole nuts, the natural ratio of Alkaline to Acid food should be 4:1. That is 4 parts Alkaline 1 part acid. Eating Garlic helps overcome fungus. Meat, Dairy, Mushrooms, Pickled foods, and Sugar are Acidic. How else can we keep the PH alkaline. There are products in the health food store but I use Lemon Juice. When Lemon hits the stomach it becomes Alkaline. So adding a fresh squeezed Lemon daily helps not only with the digestion but with the ph. Lower your stress and avoid antibiotics as much as possible.
I am redoing my website and listing a lot of these hints there permanently. As Thanksgiving comes around we need to be able to eat some "goodies" but stick to the foods that help and you will so much better, instead of that overstuffed feeling. Myself I would eat some turkey vegies, and if I want to add cranberries I make my own natural berries with honey. Dessert, well of course have a piece but do not go overboard. A great way to prepare is Juice 4 Lg carrots and 1 Granny Smith apple and drink before leaving to eat. Sets up the digestion and helps with the ph. I am going to try and update more frequently with tips. May we all have a blessed Thanksgiving and remember to not stress over the small stuff, the resulting angst is not worth it. Take a deep breath and think on something to be really thankful for. Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Season To be Thankful

So much happens at this time of year and we do not always stop and give thanks for what we have. Waking up each morning is a gift and if we make the most of each day we cannot ask for me. I see Phil in his blog has now started a regular Thursday Thank You column.
The fast pace of our lives and especially those of us who have serious illnesses, just exhausts us.
I have purchased a couple of lovely CD's, and play as I go to sleep, giving thanks for everything and asking for healing not only for myself, but the earth and all those afflicted.
The elections, earthquakes. volcano's and other calamities have driven our spirits down. If we realize that the survivors of the Chilean Mine cave in held onto faith and prayer, against the most difficult of circumstances, and came out virtually unscathed, we can see what the power of prayer can do. I believe as the world tuned into this terrible horror, they prayed and the collective energy of good wishes and prayer, made it possible for many countries to come together in wonderful display of co-operation and ingenuity.
I speak with many people each week and the cancer segment is growing, now we need to educate, pray and encourage those that are facing this severe illness. Once again I promote the natural healing products like Poly Mva, Curcumin (about 1000 mgs couple of times a day) Cod Liver oil (I like Carlson's for its purity) with 'Flu season upon us we need to take about 1000 to 2000 D3 a day (those with cancer) and about 1000 mgs D3 a day for those who wish to ward off illness. Lets not forget Vit C and all the B vitamins. There are many new things being tested for cancer and hopefully this scourge will be lifted from us. It is up to us as individuals to educate ourselves on what is available and not rely on the doctors only for our survival. is a wonderful place for information and talking with those who have a similar disease or problems, it also helps those that feel isolated. I find the users of CC have done extensive research not only Natural Healing but on medical healing.
I am thankful I can post and chat with you all and pray you are doing well and are able to take time to meditate and give thanks. Have a wonderful week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Time Flies and Our daily Lives get Distracted

Hello my friends I have been enjoying the sites of "down Under" we had a wonderful trip to see family and friends and here is the famous Opera house on Sydney Harbor. Obviously I did not have a computer with me so did not blog. However you were not forgotten.
Have some fun with the family even if it is a pleasant afternoon. Nothing like laughter, friends and family to boost the immune system. Sad to say Australia has changed a lot in the last 4 years, I was so disappointed in many stores, as half the inventory re food and my favorite treats, was American. I thought I was in Target down the street and even the fancier stores have much the same items. It used to be uniquely Australian. Ah Global World..
The same problems there re the health, as here, in fact the public health system does not offer as much as we presently get. If you have private insurance the hospitals are nicer and you are looked after better. We shall see what happens here.
While I was away one of my MM friends, In Australia, passed on. I was so sad she fought this disease for 10 years and that is 6 years longer than most.
I looked at the aboriginal art and thought about the way they lived. Yes they were primitive, but they relied on the land, the forest and the animals to heal them and show them the way. They have suffered the fate of the American Indians, culture almost gone, and alcohol has taken its place. So when we talk health there are so many elements of our lives that need attention.
Nurturing, having friends, support, medicine, and all the natural healing one can get. I also found the food to be less imbued with chemicals (Except those American Brands). I try not to eat much sugar (practice what I preach) but they had the best fresh fruit and made the most delicious fruit drinks. I have had similar in Hawaii but these were awesome, Fresh pineapple, Fresh mango juice, Fresh Passion fruit all in one delicious drink, and in the tropics (where we were, it was so refreshing) I wanted to bring it all back. Beaches stretching for miles hardly a soul, a family chopping the top of coconuts to give you a refreshing drink. I hope also may receive some of this joy in a small way, while trying to overcome your illness or preventing it. Take care all!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Serenity helps heal our troubled Planet and Ourselves

The last week or so I have noticed I am moving faster and not always getting things done. The outside influences on our daily lives tend to harass us, if we let them. Being human this is a natural reaction.
I am trying to do better in this area. I purchased a wonderful meditation tape called Wings II and try and play it for an hour each night before sleep, I pray for my well being and those around me, including the animals, and my neighbors. I take it a step further and ask for healing of our planet and animals. Without this protection we are in for even tougher times.
This negative energy, has a huge impact on those of us who have weakened immune systems, so we have to work very hard to keep healthy. I try to ignore all the negative bits on the news and pray for those that are hurting, their homes being flooded, the fires that swept through the mountains and the numerous disasters reported almost on a daily basis.
The earth is rebelling and we need to help it calm down. Daily meditation for ourselves and others, offer a wonderful calming influence to all that surrounds us. The animals are being affected, in the latest Farmers Almanac, a wonderful Indian healer, who is 90+, learnt how to tell the seasons, storms, coming events from animal behavior. He laments that this is fast dissapearing, as the animals have stopped their normal cycles and seem confused. This means the energy and the resonation of the earth has been affected. To help ourselves and those around us it is important to think on these things. This in turns helps our serenity and starts a healing cycle. Have a great week.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why Are So Many Animals Getting Cancer

Our two dogs went back to their maker this year. The one of the left Monty had a brain aneurysm, and had to be put to sleep after he started having frequent massive seizures. Boots on the R was put to sleep almost 3 months to the day after her companion. She was a year and a half younger. They lived a long full life, but why did their end have so many problems. Boots developed a liver cancer. It was not detected till the day of her death. Why because I had her on a supplement that kills abnormal cells, and I had taken her off it after she developed diarrhea. It took about 10 days for her to deteriorate. I am sure the loss of her companion did not help. He was nearly 13 and she 11.5 years.
These animals are just 2 of thousands who have come down with cancer or other severe maladies, that we never used to see in animals. Those dying of cancer 20 years ago were few and far between. I am a cancer survivor and I blog/chat on Cancer Compass each week. Where there used to be one or two postings for pets, even 5 years ago, now there are dozens and maybe hundreds. From Brain tumors, to Liver to Kidney and blood dyscrasias, the are becoming more and more prevalent.
I truly believe the ingredients in the food of these animals is being contaminated. 3 years ago we found out that China was putting chemicals into the dog food and thousands of dogs died. Both dogs had a small dose of that contaminated food and who knows what their future would have been if that had not happened. Unfortunately Monty was poisoned accidently, along with my husband, 8 years ago. He went blind. My husband had to have drastic measures to detoxify his system. (He spilled a garden poison and he and the dog absorbed some of it) Both were cured by huge doses of natural supplements and Monty regained his sight and vigor..I am sure this did not help him.
These dogs had wholesome food as well, oatmeal, brown rice, organic meat, organic chicken. As I was ill for a long time I could not always give them the natural food. I even purchased so called natural food but then went to a "reputable" brand of so called healthy food. I do believe it was contaminated. I have since found out that several dog food companies, that say Made in the USA, bring in the ingredients from China and mix it with their own. So how do we know these additives are not poisoning our animals.
My friends have dog who passed at 5 and 6 years because of similar problems. Our dogs had a hundred acres to roam and run and I am sure that kept them healthy.
If our animals are being poisoned, what about us????
The one way to minimize the risk is to take the time to make your own dog food. Use grains that you know where they come from, Organic meats, organic rice and mix it yourself. This way they get a wholesome diet and will live longer. If I had dogs again I would never buy commercial grade food...The Govt said they stopped these practices but how do we know. We don't....I am just saddened that I see so many cats, dogs etc being brought to an early and painful death because of poor nutrition. The company that shouts the loudest about the healthy dog food probably has the worst. Lawn poisons are absorbed into the animals feet and this does not help. We need to go back to organic and look at our own way of life. Here is to healthier animals.!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Supporting your Immune System Revisited-women especially

Happy Labor day to you all. Enjoy the last weekend of summer. Some of us will be able to do this easily and some will struggle.
Working on our immune system is a daily project and sometimes we feel we just can't be bothered keeping up.
Those of us who have had serious illness, especially cancer, must always be vigilant. Yes we can slack off for a day or two but then we must pick ourselves up and work on the never ending cycle, of improving our immune system.
Myself I have to be watchful and sometimes I do not catch the clues sent my way. Our daily lives are filled with so much outside influence we feel we do not always have time. The idea is to MAKE time.
This week one of my dear friends was very ill, she had been suffering several different ailments, and had been trying to be healthy. It was not working. She suffered a severe attack of some 'flu or infection 6 weeks ago and has never really recovered.
After a well needed doctors visit she found many of her symptoms came from the lack of the proper hormones and mainly progesterone. Women overlook many symptoms related to illness and often a good work up and a proper regiment of therapy can solve a lot of ills. In her case her immune system (liver, gallbladder etc) could not cope, she needed hormones to help improve her health. I personally favor natural supplements and there are many doctors who can prescribe natural hormone replacement. Make sure you choose a doctor who knows what he/she is doing.
I have been using the Young living progesterone Oil, Progessence Plus, along with some Femigen capsules. I need the capsules as I am missing my ovaries. This has made a considerable difference to me and my energy.
Liver cleansing is another factor that one needs to address. All the chemo, drugs, toxins etc. are thrown off to the liver and one needs a cleansing diet, or cleansing supplements to keep the liver healthy.
I use coffee enemas and find them very simple and cleansing. I also lighten my diet. One book suggest you do not eat red meat after 3 pm as the body struggles to digest it in the evening.
Many people need more protein but cooking your own beans and or using tofu is a great natural source of protein. Want to up your potassium Have a baked potato or some broccoli. Bananas while a good food, are ripened with gas, and thus more toxic substance to absorb. There are approx 10 tsps sugar in a banana, and while it is natural a toxic or compromised liver cannot handle it.
These are simple things to help the immune system. Stress is another but will chat about that again another day. Doing all we can to help ourselves is the key to boosting our longevity. Be well and have a great holiday....

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Sorry I have not been posting, rather hectic two weeks amid flying out to say a final goodbye to a dear friend. Art was a Dr who served so many. Suffered a massive heart attack and lived in limbo for 6 years. God said time to go home Art and he was glad to go. Always leaves a hole when a good friend leaves us.
With permission of my friend Shemay I will post her article from Cancer Compass. Pancreatic cancer is so hard to overcome and many are trying natural supplements, along with their chemotherapy.
I also recommend this supplement, AHCC, a boost to the immune system and it overcomes viruses and infections. A friend of mine along with several people (4 I think), about 20 years ago, while living in Hong Kong, contracted a severe form of meningitis. She had all the up to date treatments along with her fellow sufferers. She alone survived. The one thing her Oriental doctor did that was different, was add the AHCC. So there is much power in these natural substances. I believe this helps in all cancers but has been quite effective in Pancreatic Cancer.
Below is the posting by Shemay.
"Active Hexose Correlated Compound is neither a drug nor a medicine. It is a food substance, ---- a dietary supplement rich in polysaccharides and fiber...processed from the mycelia of selected mushrooms (basidiocymetes) into a rich nutritive extract."

AHCC in Combination with Chemotherapy
Studies using AHCC clearly demonstrated that AHCC safely increases the efficacy of conventional treatments while reducing the frequency of side effects. Patients taking AHCC with chemo or radiation saw their tumors shrink and their tumor markers decrease more than patients receiving conventional treatments alone. Furthermore, a weakened immune system is one of the most serious side effects of chemotherapy. AHCC helps to preserve immunity at a time when it is crucial to prevent the spread and growth of abnormal cells. It also reduces the toxicity and the side effects associated with chemotherapy. It alleviates hair loss and bone marrow suppression and prevents the elevation of liver enzymes. Patients taking AHCC reported less nausea and vomiting and AHCC improved their body weight and appetite. Unfortunately, at present, there are very few proven strategies to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence among survivors. Because of its effect on NK cells, AHCC supplementation may prove useful for those trying to improve their immune function in order to reduce their risk of recurrence. A prospective cohort study found that patients who had undergone resection of a liver tumor had a significantly longer no recurrence period and an increased overall survival rate when they took AHCC.


Thanks Shemay.

AHCC stands for Active hexose correlated compound. processed from the mycelia of selected mushrooms. The bottle is saying " significantly improves immune response, Enhances function of NK cells, DC cells, T-cells, Macrophages and cytokines" I got he Kinoko Gold brand. I found it for 38 dollars a bottle. "

Friday, August 6, 2010

Overcoming Fear helps healing yourself and the PLANET

Facing a life threatening illness is a hard road to tread. For those of us who have been there we understand. There is something we can do to help ourselves and those around us. At this time in our earthly journey there are many outside factors facing us that increase the fear factor. Fear comes from the inability to control what is happening and the apparent absence of solutions along with changes which we cannot control.
The planet itself is going through a difficult time, job loss, losing one's home, facing foreclosure, loss of savings, and some of us facing horrendous illness and maybe death. Couple this with fear and change,thus setting us up for hiding our emotions and lessening our ability to cope.
Inner faith, prayer, forgiveness, serenity are all tools to use to help us in this journey. You can choose which form of spirituality you are comfortable with and each day set aside sometime to meditate on healing yourself.
We truly do not realize the power we have to heal ourselves and use our minds to reap great rewards. The Rev David Aikens suggest we daily do the following: Begin each meditation with a prayer "Listen to drumming of the native American Indian type or African or a soft chant" Deep breathing and relax. Visualize White Light to envelop you and the earth, keep the deep breathing going, Inhaling thru the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Next visualize you heart expanding with energies of supreme healing for your body and include these to heal mother earth. By focusing positive thoughts of healing on yourself and the earth around, you will be amazed how much better and calmer your feel with this exercise. When you bring in the healing white light just keep thinking, "this will heal me, this will help me" I thank you......whoever you believe in to bring this light.
Takes a bit of practise but it does help.
There are many sites giving technical aspects of cancer so I try and give a different slant on how to use our mind and bodies to heal. Have a great week and free yourself from fear.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mixing Natural forms of Healing with Traditional

Sometimes those of us who practice natural healing have to look at Traditional Western Medicine to add to our regime. While mostly natural supplements can help boosts the bodies immune system, sometimes they can do with a temporary boost to put us in a safer place. This allows time for the body to readjust to the natural way. has some of the most knowledgeable people, who do tons of research on the latest techniques that offer hope to some, who choose not to use totally natural healing.
Today I read a lot about new treatments coming out for Multiple Myeloma patients. They are mostly Stem Cell related or similar procedures. They are risky but if the work they can offer many more years of fairly good health. There is ALLO SCT and SCT's and many more things coming along. These are not only for cancer patients but I have been reading where they are doing Stem Cell transplants on Parkinson's patients.
I am bringing up this subject as I also read a blog today of a young man who is doing natural healing, and has definitely prolonged his life, but now it is failing. Sometimes we have to look to and adjunct therapy that can include Low Dose chemotherapy or something similar. Many cancers are being taken out by drugs BUT if one adds natural healing to their daily routine, much more can be accomplished. Yes I am an advocate of natural healing but I also know that their sometimes is a place for some additional traditional medicine. One has to be open minded on this subject. We are bombarded with so much information sometimes it is hard to concentrate on what to do. I was impressed to write this after reading about the several failed attempts of being resistant to either natural or Traditional. I hope you are enjoying your summer. Be well.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cancer Healing and Summer

Summer has finally arrived! We finally received some hot weather to make the garden grow and while it arrived with a bang, 100 deg weather, it is nice to have it.
To improve our health we planted a small garden, beets, corn, lettuce, tomato, potato, onion, cabbage, herbs and some cucumber and melons. This way for a couple of months we can control our healthy eating, knowing no pesticides were used or harmful chemicals. To keep the bugs off my plants and roses, I mix a bottle of Thieves Oil into a squirt bottle, large one, and spray on the plants. All natural and those bugs hate it.
We were in Holland recently, hence the picture, They grow on 100 acres what we grow on 1000. Land is extremely scarce, as 26% of the nation is below sea level. They make better use of their natural products and probably 60% of them ride bikes, yes the ones you pedal. Even 80 year old's ride around to do their shopping. Their cars are small and only certain areas of the city are permitted to have a car park or drive thru. It is by train, boat, foot or bike. Less pollution.
Why am I mentioning this, you do not see many overweight people in Holland. They exercise and tend to eat healthier. A friendly pretty place.
As we age and slow down we need to exercise more. A recent study of cancer patients found that those who exercise do 75% better than those who do not. Yes there are times when one is too ill but even walking daily helps.
AS my body was so beat up, spine loss of 5", fractured spine, bent almost double, no center of gravity, very little use of my arms, I made up my mind to get myself back in shape. I had my walker (Still do and use it for longer walks) and started out walking, then trying to use my arms.
(When one looses their thoracic spine you loose the use of your arms) when I felt able, I joined Curves, and it worked wonders. Could I jog in place? NO. but I gently took the circuit on the machines I could manage, it was amazing how quickly I was able to build my body to work better. I did have help with special physical therapy, but it was on the muscles, to help me move, my bones as they were frozen in place. I use a treadmill and am able to do light housework. Yes I have to have a rest between tasks but do so much better when I exercise. This is just another important aspect of healing from cancer.
Diet is still a major issue, and using the natural products along with exercise helps. I spoke recently about someone who had Prostate Cancer treated 3 years ago, in March the PSA started to creep up a little, In May it went up 1.5 points. The doctor wanted another round of treatment but the plan was this. Natural Young living herbal oil inserted 2-3 times a week rectally, Artimisinin, Pomergranate , Pectasol and D3 and in 40 days the PSA retreated almost 1/2 point from 2.5 to 2.03, So one must be vigilant and keep trying things before rushing off to chemo or radiation. This apples to someone who has time to experiment when things are not serious. IF they had been serious the person would have had to return to have more treatment. We shall see what 3 months brings, It is certainly going in the right direction. Stress and infection can cause cancer to appear to return when one just needs to look at diet and what things they are doings
Have a good week and keep the faith and enjoy the summer when you can.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Healing our Hearts Overcomes Disease

I give thanks to those who have served this Country for us.
I was blogging about Multiple Myeloma but will continue that subject later. Today I want to touch on our emotions and how we let them take the "happy" out of our body.

We need to focus on Love, Peace and Forgiveness. This is the way to healing and to happiness. When I was diagnosed with end stage cancer, and given only a few weeks to live, it was a bit of a shock. However I feel God had a different plan for me as I was kind of "out of it" and could hardly pay attention. I think this is one of the things that saved me. Sounds odd, but I could not focus on dying or what my future may or may not be, but on overcoming the most intense pain and suffering that I have ever experienced. I was more worried about my poor husband, who was "frantic" but he took the time to look for a way to heal me. I had wonderful friends who believed in the spiritual path and I also believed but had to dig deep to put it into practice not just give it "lip" service. I truly did not feel that I was dying, in spite of being told weekly that I was. I decided "they" were wrong and I was going to overcome my situation.
Beside doing everything possible with natural healing products, I had to work on my meditation and inner self. Forgiveness does not come over night. there is Angst, Fear, despair and many other emotions. I was instructed by some wonderful people who encourage me how to forgive. I was told to review my life and go over all the little slights, imagined or real, the hurts I had clung to, the people I blamed, and one by one forgive them and myself. This went on for some time but one day I had a beautiful dream/vision where I was visited by Angelic figures accompanied by children and they danced and sang and were so happy. I realized I had gone to a different place and let go of the many things I had clung to that really did not matter.
Loving and forgiving your enemies is not easy, takes practice and you will work on this aspect the rest of your life. As new situations arise you say "just a minute" that is not the way to handle this "I choose to be the better person"
The sunset represent the serenity you soul can have, if you just practice meditation, pulling the energy from nature to help heal you. When I was in terrible pain I selected a calm imaginary place in nature and I would lay down there and ask for help and healing, it was amazing how that worked.
So many of us are facing death, job loss, money problems and cancer but there is a way out. I also laughed a lot, I watched tv with the funniest things I could find, this was needed to relieve my pain but I always felt better. When I am typing my blog I play music that fits my subject. I pretend to fly with the clouds and let the music support me like the wind. These are simple things we can all do but it does take practice. May you have a wonderful week and may your heart be healed.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Multiple Myeloma a Rarer Cancer.

I love posting pictures with my blog. I find it soothing. I take many of these pictures myself. This is a large pond near our home and the "baby" Geese came out at sunset to swim. Today they tried to a few days they will be gone. Life is like that, try new things, learn, take notice for tomorrow the things we have today may be gone.

Multiple Myeloma is still an "incurable" cancer. Yes the experts tell us so. Do we have to believe them no. We should do all we can to learn how to heal ourselves as we know our bodies best. Yes sometimes we have insurmountable odds, Like our dear friend Carlos, but he put up a valiant fight to the end. Go out fighting. My friend Phil has started a Dominate campaign. He is a young 30 year old with Multiple Myeloma, which from now on I will refer to as MM. Not much is said or written on this cancer versus 99% of other cancers. Phil has started a foundation and is accepting donations or selling bracelets and t-shirts to help fight this disease.
Multiple Myeloma is one of a family of diseases known as Plasma Cell Dyscrasias or abnormalities in the blood. Myeloma is a cancer of the white blood cells or plasma cells.
These plasma cells are a very important part of the immune system, which in turns helps the body fight and overcome infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. These Plasma cells are found mainly in the Bone Marrow and develop from white blood cells called B-Lymphocytes. When bugs invade the system, B-Lymphocytes are the army the body sends out as plasma cells which form the antibodies and stop the invasion of disease. Normally plasma cells are only formed on the occasional scenario to fight infection. Example if you have the flu then the B-Lymphocytes say hey get me some plasma cells and kill of this sucker. Once the task is complete, and the infection gone, the plasma cells die off.
Under normal conditions the body keeps on working this way to keep it healthy. Multiple Myeloma begins, when certain genetic mutations occur causing plasma cells to become abnormal. These Cells continue to divide in this abnormal fashion and overwhelm the body with too many plasma cells, and this eventually will form a tumor. I will speak later on the different types etc.
These cells are called myeloma cells which are now cancer cells which produce an antibody called M proteins. This can break down to different forms of myeloma but here we will go with the general description. These M proteins can usually, but not always, be detected in the blood or urine by a special test called protein electrophoresis and immunofixation.
The reason for so much bone pain and disintegration is that the plasma cells originate from the bone marrow from those out of control plasma cells, they now become myeloma cells and produce tumors that usually develop in the bone. Thus the name multiple myeloma.
I will list some of the stats for MM but from my experience I think these are changing. I just talk to hundreds of infected people and the age is getting younger and more woman are turning up with MM.
MM reflects about 1% of all cancers, however it accounts for 10% of blood cancers. Supposed to be 4.3 cases per 100,000. Approximately 15,000 new cases of MM per year appear. Occurs more in men than in women and is twice as high in African American Men (I would like to see this as I have yet to meet AM people, so if you are AM AND have MM please let me know, I would be curious to see why we are not hearing from you.)
Rarely in Asian men. The age is supposed to be a mean of 66. Lately I have known at least 20-30 young men 28-50's coming down with this disease and probably a lot more. I wonder when they update these stats. Suppose to be rare in anyone younger than 40 so either I met all the rare ones or it is taking hold of our young men. Do I do research, No, but I speak with dozens of afflicted people.
As usual they are at odds to the cause. They whoever "they are" say that exposure to chemicals is a rare factor. Wonder who covered their A...on this one. rare occurrence in the nuclear industry, sheet metal, herbicides and fertilizers , SST, other possibles Hair dye, formaldehyde, spray paint asbestos. I was an oncology nurse who gave lots of really deadly chemo, could I have been affected..probably yes. Exposure to excessive x-rays or radiation but the "experts say not really", farmers etc . All the sites I looked at stated mainly, radiation, chemicals, petroleum workers, Farmers and those exposed to atom bombs so I guess a lot of us must have had that, exposure to atom bombs. Genetics do place into this but no on really knows.
The life expectency of a MM patient used to be 3.5 years but many are living productive lives, and I personally know of a dozen or more people 5-15 years and still going. Several in complete remission and the others not getting worse. Of course this is a small number but it shows it can be done. I will continue on with the explanation of this disease but this is enough information to get you thinking. Cancers are "Staged" Usually stage 1 - 4 with one being mild. In MM there are only 3 stages, I guess they figured stage 4 was death. I am a survivor of this disease and I was end stage 3 and that was 5 years ago. I endeavor to write about all cancers but thought I could at least showcase this for a while. There are dozens if not hundreds of MM blogs so I am giving you the overview. There are many blogs who talk of treatment, different types of MM etc but in my opinion no stage is good. Take care my friends June has been a month of many good souls passing on, not only from cancer but from tragic things such as Iraq war syndrome (suicides). That is so tragic. Heart attacks in young people so pray for all those who lost loved ones this month as they are many. God bless you all this night....

Friday, June 25, 2010

In Memory of Carlos Lovato and other Cancer Victims

I am having trouble getting this post to read correctly so will try it again!!!!

In Memory of a Brave Soul who fought to the end! I met Carlos on Cancer Compass and we exchanged many emails and thoughts on how best to heal ourselves. He gave it a valiant try and I am sure his family really is in profound mourning. He was here one day and gone the next. I was away for a couple of weeks and it still grieves me to now he is gone. Below I will add a little something from his co workers. No I never met Carlos but he shared encouragement and love with us all. Multiple Myeloma is an incurable disease, but thanks to advances many are surviving for longer periods and with less problems. As most people have never heard of this cancer they do not know how excruciatingly painful it can be and how devasting on the body. this coming week I will talk more about Multiple Myeloma. I have tried to keep the information for all cancer patients but this disease needs some attention. More and more young men are falling prey and I suspect it is chemicals and food that is bringing on this terrible surge. May God bless all those who have lost loved ones recently and give you all courage.
Here is a tribute from Carlos's fellow workers:
Carlos was a remarkable worker and beloved Friend. Broadcast AV was his passion his knowledge and expertise was among the best in the business. You will be truly missed my Friend. Corrine Dalby

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prostate Cancer and Essential Oils

I have a family member who was treated for prostate cancer in 2006. He took the Proton radiation therapy and some regular radiation. 6 months of anti hormone supplements but no Lupron. The side effects of Lupron and even the milder hormone suppressants are awful. There has been a lot written lately about the Lupron and other drugs not being effective and even harmful. His last PSA was elevated by 1 point so I started to do more research on natural additives and supplements.
The PolyMVA of which I refer to helps but it is not as effective against prostate cancer as other cancers. I researched essential oils and found Frankincense combined with Myrrh and Sage and or anise seed oil is very effective in promoting the reduction of the psa score. A must is a colon cleanse along with a liver cleanse. This rids the body of toxins and the cancer cells that are being killed. Another suggestion is to add Pectasol S or Modified Citrus Pectin which has new research showing it as an effective tool.
Artemisinin is another very effective anti cancer tool. I also looked into the organic cottage cheese and raw organic Flax seed oil that is part of the Budwig Diet. It will be interesting to see if this approach works. I went to cancer compass and did a lot of research and it seems there are several men on a similar regime and it is working for them. We hear about breast cancer a lot but the severe mutilation of the Prostate cancer patients is horrendous. Some of these doctors need to have these procedures themselves before committing the patient to these archaic measures.
My Oncologist told me today that she uses the essential oil Lavender and these essential oils are so underrated and underused. They are ancient healing remedies that our forefathers used for thousands of years and we have forgotten they exist.
I had my 6 month cancer check up today and I am still clear of cancer and all my tests showed normal. We can only pray for the healing of all and know we are blessed no matter what befalls us. Take care my friends!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Using Simple Things to Stay Healthy.

Yellow denotes healthy and happy to me. We can keep ourselves in shape but adhering to simple things for diet to improve our immune system. Daily exercise is also important.
Digestion is a very important part of our daily life. Without proper breakdown of food we cannot fuel our bodies, let alone heal them. Aloe Vera Juice is a wonderful daily supplement to help the digestion. I prefer Coates Aloe as it is cold pressed and the benefits not destroyed by processing. I am posting a link to their website. No I do NOT benefit from doing this it is to help you. You will find this very helpful. I had throat ulcers that would not heal and 30 days of taking this healed them. I had been on antibiotics and throat gargle for a month and nothing improved. This was like a miracle and I found it helped my digestion as well. Taking some pure water add 1-2 ounces and drink during the day also helps.

Proboitics are also very helpful. You may shop around to find one that works for you. I also take Quantum Digest that rally works. I have always had a poor digestion, long before cancer hit me, and the aloe and the probiotic work wonders. Daily Vitamin D3 helps boost the immune system. I eat smaller meals and try to stay away from sugar (I do treat myself every now and then) When I was younger I was a sugarholic, in my 30's I took stock and got rid of most of the sugar. After my bout with cancer, sugar is something I enjoy occasionally but sometimes just looking at that sweet stuff makes me nauseated.
Sunshine and fresh air help and avoid chemicals. I have always used Amway laundry soap, unfortunately, probably to stay competitive, the added some kind of perfume and I no longer can use their product. I am shopping for a new one. Any added artificial odor gives me a headache.
Take care of yourselves and have a good week!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Benefits of Polymva Supplement for Healing Disease

Poly MVA Saved my life. There is no doubt that this supplement worked a miracle for me. I was end stage Multiple Myeloma, A disease that attacks your immune system and destroys it. You then do not make adequate Red or White Blood cells, your bones disintegrate as the calcium is leached out, your kidneys shut down because of the massive increase in the calcium, the liver becomes toxic and stops working. Metastasis to the Brain and other organs by the end stage is wide spread. Your body disintegrates. Your brain becomes muddled, you are in renal failure, you cannot walk, the pain is so intense you cannot describe it and the pain blockers take the edge off a little but do not relieve you of the pain. You appetite goes and your body dwindles away to a skeleton.
It took a long time for the doctors to figure out what was wrong. My regular physician did not try too hard so by the time I received the diagnosis, it was too late. The verdict you can start Chemo but your chances of living 60 days are very slim. They instructed my husband to make me comfortable and prepare me for death. I am very thankful that he did not listen. He remember an article on Poly Mva that a physician had sent him 2-3 months prior.
As I was a retired Oncology nurse, and in 2004 the options for chemo were extremely limited for MM, I chose not to take any as I knew I had both feet in the grave and the side effects, I believed would push me in. I did 10 days of radiation and aprox 2 weeks of Dexamethasone. It wiped out the rest of my immune system and it was a miracle I lived through it.
My husband started me on a mega dose of Poly MVA. He believed if a small amount was good then a large amount must be better. (One cannot always use this principal but in my case it worked.) To the amazement of the doctors, not only did I get to go home in 4 days, but my MM eventually went into remission.
Poly MVA, Which is from the palladium-lipoic acid family was discovered by Dr Merrill Garnett. (He was trained as a dentist.) He holds degrees in biochemistry and electro chemistry as well and he spent 40 years trying different formulas and additives. Dr Garnett researched the work of German Scientist Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner. He thought a lot about cancer and other diseases and figured he could experiment with supplements, to see if they would work on cancer and auto immune diseases. The short version is Poly MVA came into being and he believed if you targeted the DNA and the cell, it could be short circuited to kill off ABNORMAL cells. After thousands of tests, he found that Poly MVA targeted bad cells while ignoring healthy cells. Poly MVA has been proven to resonate at the same frequency as DNA. It is composed of palladium (a mineral) and bonded with lipoic acid which is a known major antioxidant along with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. While the FDA is allowing testing they take years to approve new substances, and as this is not a drug but a supplement, one is not sure when they will give approval. Yes testing is going on in several major cancer institutes as I write this. Does Poly MVA work for everyone, probably not, does chemotherapy or radiation work for every person. The answer is No and the cure rate with chemotherapy and or radiation is very low while causing massive negative side effects. Should you go this route, only you can answer that. I am not against Traditional Western Medicine but believe supplementation is wonderful adjunct to chosen therapies.
Does Polymva interfere with chemotherapy or radiation, the answer is No but one must check with one's own doctor or make your own decision. There have been no known side effects from taking poly mva. Want to know more go to
I personally know hundreds of people who have taken this and currently take this supplement. I take 4 teaspoons a day as maintenance. Multiple Myeloma has no known cure at this time so I hedge my bets by taking this daily to keep myself in remission. I was diagnosed October 2004. To the amazement of my doctors, who were wonderful, (oncologist and radiologist) when I had a bone marrow test in April 2005 no cancer was seen and I had 97 % abnormal cells originally. My spine still had lesions but they were gone mid 2006. I have had one relapse of unkown ? cancer, a tumor in my sinus, that was quickly taken care of over 3 months with limited radiation. At the time I was on only 1 tsp of Polymva a day so I believe my body needed more as once again, the multiple myeloma kills the immune system. Poly MVA is also good for auto immune diseases. I have several friends taking it for Psoriasis, (cleared up after 30 years) Fibromyalgia (can now go to work and still struggles but is functioning at a higher level) Another friend was on the verge of uterine/ovarian cancer (test showed it beginning) after taking the Poly MVA no further cancer noted. My cousin had MGUS, an early form of MM and he took the Poly MVA for 6 months and went into remission. He takes 1-2 tsps a day. I have several male friends who had MM, now in remission and they paired it with chemotherapy and it worked well. Neither one could improve with just the Poly MVA or Just the chemotherapy but combining both treatments worked well, they are still in remission. I get blood work updates on these people so I have something to go by.
Take care all have a great week......

Monday, May 17, 2010

My fellow bloggers and readers:
More Posts coming your way, had an off week but am generating new information and hopefully some positive vibes. Be well. My coming posts are about Poly MVA and its miracle healing powers, not only for cancer patients but for those with other debilitating diseases. The liver and how to help it help your immune system. My fellow Multiple Myeloma sufferers have also had their burdens but this week will be better!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today I Painted a Bird House

We were given the most beautiful bird house. I have always wanted one like this. I started painting it today and by Monday it should be ready to install in the garden.
Doing these simple things for nature is calming and helps you feel better about yourself. I know we will have many hours of wonderful bird watching. As soon as it is up I will post a picture.

I do believe May has been a stressful month. Calamities abound, Travel interrupted, Serenity disturbed. Here is something to take you through the weekend. God Bless and Be Well.

This takes about 20 Sec to down load, then at the bottom of your screen select the blue tab and this will play for you. Enjoy!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The immune System and Cancer

The immune system, is the underlying mechanism, that helps you keep cancer at bay. If this breaks down then the cancer cells begin to grow. Compared to normal cells, the CANCER cell, can live and operate in much lesser environment AND it takes less energy to have these cells multiply. Anerobic cells, meaning without oxygen, proliferate far more easily than healthy cells.

This begins the cycle of lowering the immune system and allowing cancer to flourish.
To help overcome the cancer or prevent such a happening, one must be vigilant in their diet, surroundings, and stress level.

Keeping the body's PH level in an alkaline environment goes a long way to prevent multiplying cancer cells. This alone will not stop the cancer but it is a great help.

http://http// here is a link to give you a heads up on ph. I use cobalt blue glass bottles, put in tap water and stand in the sunlight for 2-4 hours. By using this water for drinking this helps keep my ph in a normal alkaline level. Simple but effective way to sustain the ph.

Food that have an alkaline PH also help:

Here is a list of alkaline foods that you can eat. http://http// This does not mean you cannot eat meat or fish but in moderation. Red meat should not be consumed by cancer patients
as it is very hard to digest. An occasional treat for those who love red meat also would not be a deal breaker. You will note Lemon, Lime and Tomato are on the alkaline list, yes these are alkaline foods.

Immune boosters can also be helpful. Artimisin and Fucoidan are two supplements that help boost the system and overcome the negative. Oxygen is helpful, take deep breaths often. Walk as often as you can. Leave the stress at the door, meditate, see yourself well.
Have a great week and be well!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Healing Cancer with Natural supplements Takes Dedication

Dedicating oneself to natural healing is not easy. Sometimes you say, maybe if the doctor can just give me a quick fix . This is not always possible and not always the best thing. Adding natural elements to the Western Medicine the doctor prescribes mostly brings added results. One can choose to find out all they can about their body, disease, treatments available. I go on Cancer Compass and there are hundreds if not thousands of cancer patients telling their experience, good and bad.
Using the many products offered, you can assit in your healing process by using commonsense. You need to check with your doctor, but most natural healing elements, do not infringe on the chemotherapy or radiation, and can alleviate some of the side effects as well.
CoQ10, Cod Liver oil, Tumeric, Garlic, Poly MVA, Vitamin C, vitamin D3. Are just some of the natural supplements that area available.
I have written on D3 before and it shows many of us were sadly lacking in that element, it boosts the immune system, and our bones.
Juicing is a wonderful option for getting larger amounts of nutrition with less volume. The benefits of using vegetable juice cuts down on the carbohydrates and natural sugars. Yes the juice does have carbohydrates but less than the fruit. Mixing Carrot, Celery, and Apple juice makes a refreshing drink and gives you calories and energy. Using a liver cleanse and Liver support is important. We get cancer as our liver cannot function fast enough to remove the toxins. The Ph of the body is compromised and it becomes acidic. This in turn allows cancer to grow. Not having adequate oxygen also does the body harm and allows harmful viruses and bacteria to grow.
If this were simple we all would do it in short order, but it takes work, research and perseverance to go this route. Educate yourself and have faith that you know your body better than the doctor. Listen to your instinct. I learned of a wonderful new B vitamin METANEX, only the doctor can get it for you but it is wonderful for the immune system and for the nerves that may be damaged from the Chemo or radiation. It is all natural and contains high doses of Vitamin B. So do not give up, these simple rules can help with your healing journey.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Loosing Man's Best Friend and Cancer

Our Faithful companions Left this world yesterday. This is not the best photo but it shows how much they loved each other. Boots the black and white on the Right was put to sleep yesterday and Monty the Blue Heeler Lab, was put to sleep on January 15th. I think Boots missed him too much. Both had cancer. How is it that so many dogs are dying from cancer. In times past the dogs usually died of old age. I partly blame processed dog food. These 2 wonderful dogs lived on 10 acres with thousands of acres behind them. They ran like the wind, were very smart, kind and loving.
When I first was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, in October of 2004, they told my husband I probably would never see Christmas. I was extremely ill. Our dogs were mostly outside dogs till the last 4 years of there life. They were allowed in a warm basement at night and sometimes during the day, in winter had dog mats in the living room. When I came home from the hospital Monty just said to my husband "too bad I am lying by this bed" and so he did a lot of the time, until I was back on my feet. What greater devotion and love can one have. Boots came too but Monty was my rock.
These dogs were both rescue dogs. Monty from the pound when he was about 6months old. He came from a farm and they did not want him. The neighbors, who brought him in, said he would travel 5 miles a day looking for food on the other farms. He was so ill, bleeding from the bowel, slightly aggressive and definately had his own personality. My friend recently described him as a "Cat" personality, he would acknowledge you when he was ready (except for me). We fed him rice and low fat hamburger for many months till he regained his health. He did get accidently poisoned once, while in the orchard. Lost his sight too but natural healing for his liver restored him to health. He was a big dog 85lbs. (No one who came to the pound wanted him, they took a look at those huge feet and said No way!)
Boots was thrown out of a car at the local summer festival and was begging an old lady to take her home, I did no realize that the lady was not the owner till someone nearby said she had been left behind on purpose. The old lady was swatting her and kicking her. We called her over and she just sat on my feet. Who could resist. She ran like the wind and had so many adventures it would be impossible to document. When we had her a couple of years she fell down a gopher hole and had a compound fracture of her right front leg. Many operations and pins later she was restored to us.
Both these dogs had table scraps and supposedly healthy dog food. So why the cancer when they lived such healthy lives. Monty was nearly 14 when he passed and he had cancer and an aneurysm, Boot had a huge liver tumor and was about 12 1/2. I perhaps, looking back, should have fed them more rice and chicken and less commercial dog food.
When I was at the vet several were waiting with similar stories. It is just as important to look after our pets as ourselves. These 2 companions will be sorely missed and it shows we can never give up on our fight for health.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Healing Oils and Pony's-Releasing Emotions.

A lovely lady in Australia, Named Artemis sent me the following story. I thought you might find it helpful. When we release negative energy and emotions we leave ourselves open to healing. I have used oils and daily put Frankincense Oil on my face where I had a tumor last year. I still suffer from the phantom pains as the tumor was wrapped around the cranial nerves. It smells wonderful and it lessens the sensitivity.
Back in June 2009, my mum told me a very sad story. She'd read it in her local newspaper. It spoke about the Burpengary "Riding for the Disabled" club, who had been through 2 major floods. In the first flood, their horses had all been loose in the paddocks, and they'd had to swim for their lives. In the second flood, the horses had been placed in high ground in the stables. Unfortunately, this flood was so severe that the entire stables were flooded, and a number of the horses were drowned.

Animal rescue came out and were looking at the stables and the drowned horses when they saw a nose poking out of the water. They believed that this nose belonged to yet another dead horse…….but then they found that the horse was alive!!! It was a tiny shetland pony called Bobby, who had wrapped his legs around the rails in the stable and used all his strength to keep his tiny nose above water. He was a little fighter, and to everyone's relief he was rescued. Unfortunately, one of his favourite friends drowned in those floods. The article went on to explain how Bobby was so traumatised from the experience.

I asked her to make contact with the club on my behalf. I wanted to offer an Emotional Clearing Technique on Bobby and asked me if I could also help "Holly". Holly was another pony who was swept many miles downstream during the floods, and was also severely traumatised.

When the day came for us to visit the horses for their treatment, numerous problems occurred for the staff of the club, which prevented them from being present. The upshot was that we were on our own (Noel, mum and me). We had no halters and no helpers. We walked the paddocks till we found the horses, and discovered that there was no way these horses would stay still (it was close to dinner time for them, and they had better things to do than to hang around with some smelly oilers!). The "treatment" consisted of us chasing them around the enormous paddock with our oils. I'm sure cartoonists would have had a field day with us!

I had treated a horse previously here and had lots of help holding her etc.. I trusted that this connection, plus the effects of the oils, was what allowed her to heal and have such great results from the treatment. But with Bobby and Holly

there was no obvious "connection". We might as well not have existed on their planet! It was literally a case of throwing the oils on the various locations, waiting a minute or three, then throwing the next oils on. No ceremony. No "healing" energy. Plenty of great intention, lots of prayer, but a completely frustrating set-up in which to be performing a "healing". As we left, I said to mum and Noel, "Well, if this works, it will be a testament to how great the oils are……because that's all that the horses received!" And I felt so demoralised. The Technique was performed as follows. Unless otherwise specified, 1-2 drops of oil were applied to each location Back hoof and head, · chakra's corresponding point on the spine (ie. base of spine, above abdomen, above stomach, above heart, above throat, crown and third eye) We also used several oils on key points like navel, heart, ear, shoulders and neck.

Well, wouldn't you know it. The oils worked!!!!! I finally had a chance to speak with our organiser Jane 3 months later, and here is what she said:

Jane says: Artemis, we are really thrilled with the results of the treatment. Both horses have been more calm, and relaxed. I feel you made a huge difference. The horses are more comfortable in themselves. Holly has lost all that flightiness, and her movement has come back. She’s more relaxed when she’s being ridden. And that’s amazing after her trauma – being swept all the way downstream. I think that was even worse than what many of the other horses faced, because at least they were able to swim.

Bobby used to be a competitive Shetland racer. It’s unusual for a horse like that to be able to convert into Riding for the Disabled, but he did. He’s an amazing horse. After the floods, we didn’t think Bobby was going to pull through. The RSPCA came to see us recently, and asked us “Did that Shetland survive?” When they first saw his muzzle sticking out of the water, they thought he was dead.

And one or two days before you did the treatment on him, the vet told us that he thought we were going to lose him, so we were preparing for the worst. He was not only physically distraught, but also emotionally grieving. We had decided that if he survived, we were going to have to retire him.

But after your treatment he was noticeably less stressed. It’s like you made him feel that life is worth living again. To our absolute amazement, we have him back working again, and we never believed that would be possible, and certainly not so soon.

I will post the oils on my healing website I also have a book listed there that tells how to do all this if you have an interest.

I have posted this as an example of how we can overcome so much. I know so many out there have a lot to go through. Take care and be well!!!