Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Benefits of Polymva Supplement for Healing Disease

Poly MVA Saved my life. There is no doubt that this supplement worked a miracle for me. I was end stage Multiple Myeloma, A disease that attacks your immune system and destroys it. You then do not make adequate Red or White Blood cells, your bones disintegrate as the calcium is leached out, your kidneys shut down because of the massive increase in the calcium, the liver becomes toxic and stops working. Metastasis to the Brain and other organs by the end stage is wide spread. Your body disintegrates. Your brain becomes muddled, you are in renal failure, you cannot walk, the pain is so intense you cannot describe it and the pain blockers take the edge off a little but do not relieve you of the pain. You appetite goes and your body dwindles away to a skeleton.
It took a long time for the doctors to figure out what was wrong. My regular physician did not try too hard so by the time I received the diagnosis, it was too late. The verdict you can start Chemo but your chances of living 60 days are very slim. They instructed my husband to make me comfortable and prepare me for death. I am very thankful that he did not listen. He remember an article on Poly Mva that a physician had sent him 2-3 months prior.
As I was a retired Oncology nurse, and in 2004 the options for chemo were extremely limited for MM, I chose not to take any as I knew I had both feet in the grave and the side effects, I believed would push me in. I did 10 days of radiation and aprox 2 weeks of Dexamethasone. It wiped out the rest of my immune system and it was a miracle I lived through it.
My husband started me on a mega dose of Poly MVA. He believed if a small amount was good then a large amount must be better. (One cannot always use this principal but in my case it worked.) To the amazement of the doctors, not only did I get to go home in 4 days, but my MM eventually went into remission.
Poly MVA, Which is from the palladium-lipoic acid family was discovered by Dr Merrill Garnett. (He was trained as a dentist.) He holds degrees in biochemistry and electro chemistry as well and he spent 40 years trying different formulas and additives. Dr Garnett researched the work of German Scientist Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner. He thought a lot about cancer and other diseases and figured he could experiment with supplements, to see if they would work on cancer and auto immune diseases. The short version is Poly MVA came into being and he believed if you targeted the DNA and the cell, it could be short circuited to kill off ABNORMAL cells. After thousands of tests, he found that Poly MVA targeted bad cells while ignoring healthy cells. Poly MVA has been proven to resonate at the same frequency as DNA. It is composed of palladium (a mineral) and bonded with lipoic acid which is a known major antioxidant along with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. While the FDA is allowing testing they take years to approve new substances, and as this is not a drug but a supplement, one is not sure when they will give approval. Yes testing is going on in several major cancer institutes as I write this. Does Poly MVA work for everyone, probably not, does chemotherapy or radiation work for every person. The answer is No and the cure rate with chemotherapy and or radiation is very low while causing massive negative side effects. Should you go this route, only you can answer that. I am not against Traditional Western Medicine but believe supplementation is wonderful adjunct to chosen therapies.
Does Polymva interfere with chemotherapy or radiation, the answer is No but one must check with one's own doctor or make your own decision. There have been no known side effects from taking poly mva. Want to know more go to
I personally know hundreds of people who have taken this and currently take this supplement. I take 4 teaspoons a day as maintenance. Multiple Myeloma has no known cure at this time so I hedge my bets by taking this daily to keep myself in remission. I was diagnosed October 2004. To the amazement of my doctors, who were wonderful, (oncologist and radiologist) when I had a bone marrow test in April 2005 no cancer was seen and I had 97 % abnormal cells originally. My spine still had lesions but they were gone mid 2006. I have had one relapse of unkown ? cancer, a tumor in my sinus, that was quickly taken care of over 3 months with limited radiation. At the time I was on only 1 tsp of Polymva a day so I believe my body needed more as once again, the multiple myeloma kills the immune system. Poly MVA is also good for auto immune diseases. I have several friends taking it for Psoriasis, (cleared up after 30 years) Fibromyalgia (can now go to work and still struggles but is functioning at a higher level) Another friend was on the verge of uterine/ovarian cancer (test showed it beginning) after taking the Poly MVA no further cancer noted. My cousin had MGUS, an early form of MM and he took the Poly MVA for 6 months and went into remission. He takes 1-2 tsps a day. I have several male friends who had MM, now in remission and they paired it with chemotherapy and it worked well. Neither one could improve with just the Poly MVA or Just the chemotherapy but combining both treatments worked well, they are still in remission. I get blood work updates on these people so I have something to go by.
Take care all have a great week......

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