Friday, November 12, 2010

The Season To be Thankful

So much happens at this time of year and we do not always stop and give thanks for what we have. Waking up each morning is a gift and if we make the most of each day we cannot ask for me. I see Phil in his blog has now started a regular Thursday Thank You column.
The fast pace of our lives and especially those of us who have serious illnesses, just exhausts us.
I have purchased a couple of lovely CD's, and play as I go to sleep, giving thanks for everything and asking for healing not only for myself, but the earth and all those afflicted.
The elections, earthquakes. volcano's and other calamities have driven our spirits down. If we realize that the survivors of the Chilean Mine cave in held onto faith and prayer, against the most difficult of circumstances, and came out virtually unscathed, we can see what the power of prayer can do. I believe as the world tuned into this terrible horror, they prayed and the collective energy of good wishes and prayer, made it possible for many countries to come together in wonderful display of co-operation and ingenuity.
I speak with many people each week and the cancer segment is growing, now we need to educate, pray and encourage those that are facing this severe illness. Once again I promote the natural healing products like Poly Mva, Curcumin (about 1000 mgs couple of times a day) Cod Liver oil (I like Carlson's for its purity) with 'Flu season upon us we need to take about 1000 to 2000 D3 a day (those with cancer) and about 1000 mgs D3 a day for those who wish to ward off illness. Lets not forget Vit C and all the B vitamins. There are many new things being tested for cancer and hopefully this scourge will be lifted from us. It is up to us as individuals to educate ourselves on what is available and not rely on the doctors only for our survival. is a wonderful place for information and talking with those who have a similar disease or problems, it also helps those that feel isolated. I find the users of CC have done extensive research not only Natural Healing but on medical healing.
I am thankful I can post and chat with you all and pray you are doing well and are able to take time to meditate and give thanks. Have a wonderful week.

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