Working on our immune system is a daily project and sometimes we feel we just can't be bothered keeping up.
Those of us who have had serious illness, especially cancer, must always be vigilant. Yes we can slack off for a day or two but then we must pick ourselves up and work on the never ending cycle, of improving our immune system.
Myself I have to be watchful and sometimes I do not catch the clues sent my way. Our daily lives are filled with so much outside influence we feel we do not always have time. The idea is to MAKE time.
This week one of my dear friends was very ill, she had been suffering several different ailments, and had been trying to be healthy. It was not working. She suffered a severe attack of some 'flu or infection 6 weeks ago and has never really recovered.
After a well needed doctors visit she found many of her symptoms came from the lack of the proper hormones and mainly progesterone. Women overlook many symptoms related to illness and often a good work up and a proper regiment of therapy can solve a lot of ills. In her case her immune system (liver, gallbladder etc) could not cope, she needed hormones to help improve her health. I personally favor natural supplements and there are many doctors who can prescribe natural hormone replacement. Make sure you choose a doctor who knows what he/she is doing.
I have been using the Young living progesterone Oil, Progessence Plus, along with some Femigen capsules. I need the capsules as I am missing my ovaries. This has made a considerable difference to me and my energy.
Liver cleansing is another factor that one needs to address. All the chemo, drugs, toxins etc. are thrown off to the liver and one needs a cleansing diet, or cleansing supplements to keep the liver healthy.
I use coffee enemas and find them very simple and cleansing. I also lighten my diet. One book suggest you do not eat red meat after 3 pm as the body struggles to digest it in the evening.
Many people need more protein but cooking your own beans and or using tofu is a great natural source of protein. Want to up your potassium Have a baked potato or some broccoli. Bananas while a good food, are ripened with gas, and thus more toxic substance to absorb. There are approx 10 tsps sugar in a banana, and while it is natural a toxic or compromised liver cannot handle it.
These are simple things to help the immune system. Stress is another but will chat about that again another day. Doing all we can to help ourselves is the key to boosting our longevity. Be well and have a great holiday....
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