Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Healing our Hearts Overcomes Disease

I give thanks to those who have served this Country for us.
I was blogging about Multiple Myeloma but will continue that subject later. Today I want to touch on our emotions and how we let them take the "happy" out of our body.

We need to focus on Love, Peace and Forgiveness. This is the way to healing and to happiness. When I was diagnosed with end stage cancer, and given only a few weeks to live, it was a bit of a shock. However I feel God had a different plan for me as I was kind of "out of it" and could hardly pay attention. I think this is one of the things that saved me. Sounds odd, but I could not focus on dying or what my future may or may not be, but on overcoming the most intense pain and suffering that I have ever experienced. I was more worried about my poor husband, who was "frantic" but he took the time to look for a way to heal me. I had wonderful friends who believed in the spiritual path and I also believed but had to dig deep to put it into practice not just give it "lip" service. I truly did not feel that I was dying, in spite of being told weekly that I was. I decided "they" were wrong and I was going to overcome my situation.
Beside doing everything possible with natural healing products, I had to work on my meditation and inner self. Forgiveness does not come over night. there is Angst, Fear, despair and many other emotions. I was instructed by some wonderful people who encourage me how to forgive. I was told to review my life and go over all the little slights, imagined or real, the hurts I had clung to, the people I blamed, and one by one forgive them and myself. This went on for some time but one day I had a beautiful dream/vision where I was visited by Angelic figures accompanied by children and they danced and sang and were so happy. I realized I had gone to a different place and let go of the many things I had clung to that really did not matter.
Loving and forgiving your enemies is not easy, takes practice and you will work on this aspect the rest of your life. As new situations arise you say "just a minute" that is not the way to handle this "I choose to be the better person"
The sunset represent the serenity you soul can have, if you just practice meditation, pulling the energy from nature to help heal you. When I was in terrible pain I selected a calm imaginary place in nature and I would lay down there and ask for help and healing, it was amazing how that worked.
So many of us are facing death, job loss, money problems and cancer but there is a way out. I also laughed a lot, I watched tv with the funniest things I could find, this was needed to relieve my pain but I always felt better. When I am typing my blog I play music that fits my subject. I pretend to fly with the clouds and let the music support me like the wind. These are simple things we can all do but it does take practice. May you have a wonderful week and may your heart be healed.

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