Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ducks and Other Things and More on the pH healing

Blogs everywhere and sometimes we just need to have a little story of a personal nature. It is good to share much needed information but today I am going to tell you a story about ducks.

In June, we returned from and extended trip to find "Ducky", the light duck. living in our yard. All the neighbors asked when did you buy a duck? We said we did not buy a duck and had no idea where it came from. Our yard looks over a huge pond, and we have several where we live. It was a young duck.
The duck was lonely and earlier in the spring, the wild geese had hatched a bunch of goslings, 7 in all. The parents of the goslings were teaching them to survive and so "Ducky" latched onto the group but was kept at a distance. When the parents left each day the goslings, who were now rather big and almost full grown geese, would huddle together, they begrudgingly let "Ducky" stay near them but not in the group. One day the now grown geese flew away and there was poor "Ducky" alone again. My husband felt sorry for him so we went to a duck farm and purchased a lovely duck mate. The duck farmer said they do not fly as they as used to staying in his yard with no clipped wings. We brought the duck home and about 1 hour later it flew away. HA! so much for not flying.
At the same time another neighbor has the same idea, she sent her husband to buy ducks and he came back with 3. They lasted about 2 hours and flew away. We never knew where they went. So a few days later we went to the duck farm and asked him to clip the wings of the duck so it would not fly away, He gave us an extra duck. So now there were 3. They did not fly away.
Together our little group fed them a lot of grain and now they are too fat to fly. Unfortunately in this last icy cold spell, the top white and black duck, she passed on. We have no idea why but I think she was caught in the ice. She was the latest addition to our menagerie and was rather young. We made a winter shelter with straw lining it, among the reeds for the ducks and it was working out rather well. Now they hover near our house and will not go back to their little home. I think the ice has something to do with the demise of the young one. They watched us closely as we pullout the deceased duck. They would not leave the area for days. The pond, where their hut is, has ice still so I am hoping when it melts they will return to their little home. We had 3 days of heavy rain and yesterday I saw them all coming toward the house, and figured they were hungry for the grain we fed them. They still have plenty of natural food when the pond is not frozen. So I just walked out and they followed me until I put grain down they gobbled up.
This is an ongoing saga and it will be interesting to see what happens when the geese return to nest.
Now on a different subject, the balancing of the pH is so important to maintain good health. One can use simple remedies like fresh lemon juice in water and purchasing alkaline salts. I use cobalt blue bottles to sit in the sun (Make sure it is not freezing outside or they will break) and use the water to put my lemon juice in. It actually amplifies the healing properties of the pH. I also have discovered that fungus is a major cause of imbalance and will speak on that later.
I hope you are all having a good week and blessings and healing on all.
I have new input on my website at

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