A Wonderful underwater video.
Hello My friends: Trust your month has gone well. A lazy cool summer here so far. I have posted a wonderful video on the undersea world. Life is so tenuous for many at this time so something calming is good for the soul.
Bobbi if you are reading this I sent you an email but did not hear back from you. Look in your spam folder under preferred customer. I hope your husband is improving. You can also read my website www.healingcancernatural.net
I am recovering nicely from my last bout with MM (multiple myeloma) with 11 radiations to spine and iliac crest. Took away the terrible pain, now sailing along again. I upped my polymva and added the Reshi. Mitaki, Shitake mushrooms along with some magnesium bicarbonate. The big dose is still on its way. Healthy living with fresh veggie juices, salads etc. A lovely salad of lettuce, grated carrot strips, zucchini strips, berries, apples and pears freshly chopped (organic) with a boiled egg topping. Yummy dressing and you have a complete meal.
Garden has produced its first tomato, the unexpected cold spell took out lots of already thriving vegies plus our fruit. The local area has large Cherrie orchards and they did not get hardly a cherry, after the big cold event.
AT this time many are leaving us, some by their own hand and others from accidents and illness. It is a trying time for those loosing loved ones, seeing so much suffering has had people asking where is God (or whomever wyou believe in) at this time. He is still with us and we must keep our faith and know we are loved and our hearts cleansed. Take care and have a wonderful July :)
Salad sounds yummy!