Saturday, February 5, 2011

Low Dose Chemo Combined with Natural. Ducks again!

My goal is to teach the natural healing ways to those who have cancer or other severe illnesses. However, there is a place for chemotherapy and radiation. I have been doing some reading on this subject, and not everyone responds to all natural healing, no matter how hard they try.
There have been several studies Showing that a low dose chemo, along with supplements can greatly improve your chances. There is a form of therapy called IPT where they give insulin before the low dose chemotherapy,this allow the cell to let the chemo inside. Cancer cells have a hard coating around them. Cancer cells suck up huge amounts of insulin, so giving extra insulin, this will convert glucose into energy, thus making the cell more permeable, allowing the chemotherapy to enter the cell more easily, thus killing it. I will expound on this later on but this is just a hint of how we can educate our doctors to a new view of how best to treat us, instead of killing of all the healthy cells, in an effort to kill the cancer.
Nutritional supplements and anticancer supplements, are vital to the building up of the immune system, which is a large portion of healing, but often more is needed.
I have recently posted here and on my website , about the importance of keeping the pH in a alkaline state. I have already heard from one of my followers, that she is much improved after taking 3 days of Alkaline salts, and boosting her pH to almost normal.
There are so many simple things we can do to help ourselves, it is amazing how simple things can improve our health.
DUCKS: Here is "Daffy & Ducky" before the snow and ice, hoofing it across the lawn, our third duck, who looks like a turkey and has some people thinking it is, is also around. They are trying to get back with the geese, a couple of hundred geese flew in and spent the night and the ducks were in the middle, it was kind of weird, then "Daffy" took off with them for the day but did return, much to our relief. We have this beautiful white goose, with a black neck I am hoping to get a picture but it is not easy. "Daffy" has taken to flying around the neighborhood. For some reason I do not think "Ducky" can fly and big fat turkey duck may but fortunately does not seem to want to.
It is very healing to look and interact with nature as it calms the soul. Have a good week, will not be able to post for a while but will catch up when I return.

1 comment:

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