Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Essential Oils That Heal and Make you feel Good.

Many ancient cultures used essential oils or aromatic oils, as they knew them. To heal, cleanse, cook with, and improve their lives. The Egyptians used these aromatic oils in many of their temple rituals. They considered them sacred and placed them in alabaster pots.When king Tut's tomb was opened a huge amount of aromatic oils were found, they were still in excellent condition.
in 1817 a papyrus was discovered and it contained hundreds of cures, prescriptions and remedies. Frankincense and Myrrh were mentioned several times in the bible, it was used for embalming because it helped prevent bacterial growth. The Qu'ran also mentions these oils and ways to heal. In the late 19th century these oils became more popular as they did not have antibiotics or things we have today. This probably was a good thing as many infections, wounds and sores during world war one.
In 1920 Rene'maurice Gattefosee' was working in his lab and severely burnt his arm, he plunged it into a vat of what he thought was water, instead it was pure lavender extract, to his amazement the pain let up very quickly and he put this on for several days, and the burn did not leave a scar.
These pioneers and others have used these oils for antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic purposes. Today we are just beginning to understand their uses. A lost art has been rediscovered.
In Europe these natural substances can be purchased from the shelf of any pharmacy. When travelling I have used many of these items. Lemon oils for cold or chest congestion and taken a drop or two in a capsule or put in water.
Frankincense is a wonderful oil and it originated in Somalia, and in the middle east is considered the holy anointing oil. I have used it for nerve pain, stress, and it elevates the mind and the immune system benefits. I had a ?sinus tumor with cranial nerve involvement, last year, I did have pain pills for the excruciating pain, but only took them for 5 days. I then rubbed frankincense oil on my forehead and face to help calm it down. I still use it. I am over the cancer but sometimes I have residual nerve pain, and instead of taking an advil, I put the oil on my face.
Lavender helps one sleep but also relieves pain along with peppermint. I travel with these oils as it has saved me many times. I use the young living oils as they are some of the most pure, grown without chemical additives.
I am severely allergic to perfumes and odors and most perfumes are made up of chemicals. Want to smell wonderful and not be overwhelmed with negative chemical odor, Use Oils. The The young living oil, Purification, when applied to skin or clothing or used in a diffuser, can dispel chemical odors and or perfume wearing friends who tip a whole bottle of these things on themselves. I am happy to say my friends now honor my request to stay chemical perfume free. The soaps used to wash the clothes are full of nasty chemicals and people believe they will smell wonderful using these items. I have to wash my clothes in a neutral soap and sometimes it takes a month to get this odor out. (I have dear friends who washed my clothes as a favor and used scented soap) I get headaches and nausea around these odors. A lovely young lady helps me clean my home, and she has constant migraines, as she uses harsh chemicals to clean the many houses she does each week. Our household only has natural products. Think of all the poison going back into the earth....
This Christmas time, give the gift of oils and be surprised at the result. Have a great week and I will continue to chat about the oils. My website is being updated and I have a lot of information on it so if you want to check it out..www.healingcancernaturally.net has a page about oils and I will add to that each month. Be well.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bone Supplements , PH Balance and Thanksgiving

If you look carefully there are several blue orbs in this picture one on the rock face and one on the mountain top. This is the sacred Indian land in Arizona. We need to treat our bodies as such, Sacred.
There is a lot of information but how do we assimilate what is good for us. One of the major problems of various types of cancer is loss of bone, or brittle bone.
This is not confined to cancer but to many women who are lacking hormones and have brittle bones. The drug companies have many fancy drugs out to "help" restore bone density. Unfortunately they have serious side effects. On Boniva Alone I counted 20 side effects. The company says they are minimal. Hmm... Includes Infections, headaches, increase in cholesterol, several types of pain. With Zometa I counted 12 and one serious one, death. It also necrosis the jaw bone and that cannot come back. I know the "Death" part is extreme but several people have died while taking Zometa. So can we have a natural alternative. Yes eat foods high in calcium. White Beans, Tofu, and obviously dairy, (however dairy is suggested to be limited with cancer patients), Oatmeal, Nuts, Vegetables etc. http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/nutrition/calcium.html Do as much as you can by choosing the right foods. For those of us who need extra there are many forms of Calcium with Magnesium and Vit D. I came across a new Ultimate Bone Support that sounds very promising, It is called Stronium. It works by attracting minerals that are necessary like Calcium, Magnesium, Boron, and Zinc, which lets the bone directly absorb these nutrients. McGTill University in Montreal, did a study on this and in 6 months they showed a remarkable 172% increase in the rate of Bone Formation. Here is a complete article on same: http://www.advancedbionutritionals.com/Products/Ultimate-Bone-Support.htm
This is excellent for those of us whose bones are so fragile that it is a natural way to bring them back.
PH: When the ph of the body becomes acid it allows the body to let all those nasty germs we carry around, to multiply. The normal body ph should be 7.4 - 7.6. Keeping it this way is what keeps us healthy. Foods that are good to keep the ph alkaline are Green and Yellow vegies and whole nuts, the natural ratio of Alkaline to Acid food should be 4:1. That is 4 parts Alkaline 1 part acid. Eating Garlic helps overcome fungus. Meat, Dairy, Mushrooms, Pickled foods, and Sugar are Acidic. How else can we keep the PH alkaline. There are products in the health food store but I use Lemon Juice. When Lemon hits the stomach it becomes Alkaline. So adding a fresh squeezed Lemon daily helps not only with the digestion but with the ph. Lower your stress and avoid antibiotics as much as possible.
I am redoing my website and listing a lot of these hints there permanently. www.healingcancernaturally.net As Thanksgiving comes around we need to be able to eat some "goodies" but stick to the foods that help and you will so much better, instead of that overstuffed feeling. Myself I would eat some turkey vegies, and if I want to add cranberries I make my own natural berries with honey. Dessert, well of course have a piece but do not go overboard. A great way to prepare is Juice 4 Lg carrots and 1 Granny Smith apple and drink before leaving to eat. Sets up the digestion and helps with the ph. I am going to try and update more frequently with tips. May we all have a blessed Thanksgiving and remember to not stress over the small stuff, the resulting angst is not worth it. Take a deep breath and think on something to be really thankful for. Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Season To be Thankful

So much happens at this time of year and we do not always stop and give thanks for what we have. Waking up each morning is a gift and if we make the most of each day we cannot ask for me. I see Phil in his blog has now started a regular Thursday Thank You column.
The fast pace of our lives and especially those of us who have serious illnesses, just exhausts us.
I have purchased a couple of lovely CD's, and play as I go to sleep, giving thanks for everything and asking for healing not only for myself, but the earth and all those afflicted.
The elections, earthquakes. volcano's and other calamities have driven our spirits down. If we realize that the survivors of the Chilean Mine cave in held onto faith and prayer, against the most difficult of circumstances, and came out virtually unscathed, we can see what the power of prayer can do. I believe as the world tuned into this terrible horror, they prayed and the collective energy of good wishes and prayer, made it possible for many countries to come together in wonderful display of co-operation and ingenuity.
I speak with many people each week and the cancer segment is growing, now we need to educate, pray and encourage those that are facing this severe illness. Once again I promote the natural healing products like Poly Mva, Curcumin (about 1000 mgs couple of times a day) Cod Liver oil (I like Carlson's for its purity) with 'Flu season upon us we need to take about 1000 to 2000 D3 a day (those with cancer) and about 1000 mgs D3 a day for those who wish to ward off illness. Lets not forget Vit C and all the B vitamins. There are many new things being tested for cancer and hopefully this scourge will be lifted from us. It is up to us as individuals to educate ourselves on what is available and not rely on the doctors only for our survival.
www.cancercompass.com is a wonderful place for information and talking with those who have a similar disease or problems, it also helps those that feel isolated. I find the users of CC have done extensive research not only Natural Healing but on medical healing.
I am thankful I can post and chat with you all and pray you are doing well and are able to take time to meditate and give thanks. Have a wonderful week.