Summer has finally arrived! We finally received some hot weather to make the garden grow and while it arrived with a bang, 100 deg weather, it is nice to have it.
To improve our health we planted a small garden, beets, corn, lettuce, tomato, potato, onion, cabbage, herbs and some cucumber and melons. This way for a couple of months we can control our healthy eating, knowing no pesticides were used or harmful chemicals. To keep the bugs off my plants and roses, I mix a bottle of Thieves Oil into a squirt bottle, large one, and spray on the plants. All natural and those bugs hate it.
We were in Holland recently, hence the picture, They grow on 100 acres what we grow on 1000. Land is extremely scarce, as 26% of the nation is below sea level. They make better use of their natural products and probably 60% of them ride bikes, yes the ones you pedal. Even 80 year old's ride around to do their shopping. Their cars are small and only certain areas of the city are permitted to have a car park or drive thru. It is by train, boat, foot or bike. Less pollution.
Why am I mentioning this, you do not see many overweight people in Holland. They exercise and tend to eat healthier. A friendly pretty place.
As we age and slow down we need to exercise more. A recent study of cancer patients found that those who exercise do 75% better than those who do not. Yes there are times when one is too ill but even walking daily helps.
AS my body was so beat up, spine loss of 5", fractured spine, bent almost double, no center of gravity, very little use of my arms, I made up my mind to get myself back in shape. I had my walker (Still do and use it for longer walks) and started out walking, then trying to use my arms.
(When one looses their thoracic spine you loose the use of your arms) when I felt able, I joined Curves, and it worked wonders. Could I jog in place? NO. but I gently took the circuit on the machines I could manage, it was amazing how quickly I was able to build my body to work better. I did have help with special physical therapy, but it was on the muscles, to help me move, my bones as they were frozen in place. I use a treadmill and am able to do light housework. Yes I have to have a rest between tasks but do so much better when I exercise. This is just another important aspect of healing from cancer.
Diet is still a major issue, and using the natural products along with exercise helps. I spoke recently about someone who had Prostate Cancer treated 3 years ago, in March the PSA started to creep up a little, In May it went up 1.5 points. The doctor wanted another round of treatment but the plan was this. Natural Young living herbal oil inserted 2-3 times a week rectally, Artimisinin, Pomergranate , Pectasol and D3 and in 40 days the PSA retreated almost 1/2 point from 2.5 to 2.03, So one must be vigilant and keep trying things before rushing off to chemo or radiation. This apples to someone who has time to experiment when things are not serious. IF they had been serious the person would have had to return to have more treatment. We shall see what 3 months brings, It is certainly going in the right direction. Stress and infection can cause cancer to appear to return when one just needs to look at diet and what things they are doings
Have a good week and keep the faith and enjoy the summer when you can.
I was a member of Curves for several years before my diagnosis. I am considering joining again, but have some concerns. Exactly how safe it is and what can I do and not do. I have just finished twenty one months of treatment. Two stem cell transplants and on-going chemo. I need to get my body back in shape and work on better nutrition. Any more thoughts on Curves would be appreciated. You can email me at k4good@aol.com. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am late answering you but have finally sent an email!! Take care and be well