My Myeloma buddies have been after me to post so here goes. I am schedule to have a rod put in my arm on Wednesday. The reason? Due to a bone survey done by my new doctor, 1 lesion was found to have eaten thru my humerus bone and it cannot be treated till I have it stabilized. It is bad enuf having a broken radius now they want to do away with both my arms so to speak. I cannot have the radius fixed due to the high probability of paralysis in the fingers so we have to look for other solutions.
I have found a new formula for my bones and it will show a big improvement. STill waiting to hear about the Hyperbaric to try and get more blood to the radius.
I do have wonderful doctors who do not give me more than I need medication wise. (I have them trained LOL) but it is comforting to know they will not push off on me the latest and greatest invention in drugs that have not been tested. What happens in 5 or 10 years. Half the drugs today get pulled because too many people died or had life threatening reactions.
My diet has been upgraded and someone mentioned to me today that Gluten allergy's have been associated with Multiple Myeloma, so I am going to try gluten free and hope I can do it.
Anything to improve one's health no matter what cancer maybe lurking. Fungus and cancer are tied together so keeping a fungus free diet and maintaining a proper pH, go a long way to healing.
I have posted on my about my bone problems and the steps that really help. I had to leave off one ingredient as when people read suggestions, they do not read when it says, if you have not take. It is such a simple remedy but anyone who wants to know more may email me.
I am fortunate to have good friends who came to help me, I had to buy an "old peoples lift chair" today as having no arm ability I cannot get up by myself without my hands. I lost a large portion of my spine and even though do well this is a new twist till I heal.
There is so much suffering at this time and I see people with all types of cancer being reactivated as the cancer returns. So much fear. I ask you all to take heart as there is always something to help out.
So will have more general information in a couple of weeks but have no idea when I can use my hand/arms again, hopefully only a few days.
I am a conundrum to the doctors but mostly they treat me very well.
I can only pray for you all and your various problems and worries and know all will be well.
Till next time Blessings.