I am now back in the cold, with a slight snowfall overnight. Even 60 deg is warm compared to the 30's here in Idaho. However it is nice to be back into a calm serene place. The big cities are so hectic. I have not been to Sedona since the mid 80's and hardly recognized the place.
The great feeling is still there when you get away from the crowd. We were fortunate to get into a canyon where few people are allowed, sit and take in the sunshine, the healing red rocks, and imagine the original inhabitants that once lived there. It is so serene and one gets out of it what one desires. Lots of other tourists scurrying around buying things and shopping but to go out a bit a see the beauty is wonderful. We went to the town of Jerome, an old mining town and old native Indian habitat.
These troubling times have people on edge but if we take the time to meditate, and see a positive out come, forgiving those that oppress the masses and manipulate them, then we become one mind that can have a calming effect on the world. This is not easy but takes practice with meditation and reflection.
I am trying to practice what I preach and one feels decidedly better for it.
I am praying for my friend Feresaknit who has a blog and not doing so well, maybe you could join me in praying for her recovery. She, Like me, suffers from Multiple Myeloma, and while I am blessed to be in remission she is going through a dark period. She lives in the UK.
I have some new things to put out to you later next week and hopefully they can help those who are struggling with faith, disease, pain and loss of someone they love.
At this time a lot of people are passing on, and it seems the dogs are too, I think it comes in cycles.
So have a blessed weekend and be safe.