Sunday, August 22, 2010


Sorry I have not been posting, rather hectic two weeks amid flying out to say a final goodbye to a dear friend. Art was a Dr who served so many. Suffered a massive heart attack and lived in limbo for 6 years. God said time to go home Art and he was glad to go. Always leaves a hole when a good friend leaves us.
With permission of my friend Shemay I will post her article from Cancer Compass. Pancreatic cancer is so hard to overcome and many are trying natural supplements, along with their chemotherapy.
I also recommend this supplement, AHCC, a boost to the immune system and it overcomes viruses and infections. A friend of mine along with several people (4 I think), about 20 years ago, while living in Hong Kong, contracted a severe form of meningitis. She had all the up to date treatments along with her fellow sufferers. She alone survived. The one thing her Oriental doctor did that was different, was add the AHCC. So there is much power in these natural substances. I believe this helps in all cancers but has been quite effective in Pancreatic Cancer.
Below is the posting by Shemay.
"Active Hexose Correlated Compound is neither a drug nor a medicine. It is a food substance, ---- a dietary supplement rich in polysaccharides and fiber...processed from the mycelia of selected mushrooms (basidiocymetes) into a rich nutritive extract."

AHCC in Combination with Chemotherapy
Studies using AHCC clearly demonstrated that AHCC safely increases the efficacy of conventional treatments while reducing the frequency of side effects. Patients taking AHCC with chemo or radiation saw their tumors shrink and their tumor markers decrease more than patients receiving conventional treatments alone. Furthermore, a weakened immune system is one of the most serious side effects of chemotherapy. AHCC helps to preserve immunity at a time when it is crucial to prevent the spread and growth of abnormal cells. It also reduces the toxicity and the side effects associated with chemotherapy. It alleviates hair loss and bone marrow suppression and prevents the elevation of liver enzymes. Patients taking AHCC reported less nausea and vomiting and AHCC improved their body weight and appetite. Unfortunately, at present, there are very few proven strategies to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence among survivors. Because of its effect on NK cells, AHCC supplementation may prove useful for those trying to improve their immune function in order to reduce their risk of recurrence. A prospective cohort study found that patients who had undergone resection of a liver tumor had a significantly longer no recurrence period and an increased overall survival rate when they took AHCC.


Thanks Shemay.

AHCC stands for Active hexose correlated compound. processed from the mycelia of selected mushrooms. The bottle is saying " significantly improves immune response, Enhances function of NK cells, DC cells, T-cells, Macrophages and cytokines" I got he Kinoko Gold brand. I found it for 38 dollars a bottle. "

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